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Technical Consultants Network Membership

We believe that the establishment of effective scientific relations can enhance the level of capabilities of a group, in this regard, from legal and natural persons and all Iranian and foreign personalities (both inside and outside the country) whose scientific, cultural and social significance is of particular importance. Aside from having the expertise and experience necessary to cooperate with Asco’s working groups, they can declare their readiness by completing the application form, in order to advance the Green Health Partnership goals, and after reviewing the scientific and executive records by the Asco Faculty and Authentication by the relevant organization, join this company and benefit from its wide advisory services.

    Honorary Academic Panel Membership

    As you know, the presence of honorable members of the faculty and elite practitioners in the advancement of projects is a very rich and valuable resource that can be the source of many major scientific, cultural, artistic events and events. . . It is in society that if this ability is used properly, it will solve many problems and issues in the country. In this regard, considering the presence of well-trained scientific staff and elite, we consider this huge capacity to contribute to the promotion of community health through the implementation of the slogan “Prevention is treatment” with the proposal of the program.
    “Green & Sustainable Health Partnership” As an advisory and executive arm, along with relevant institutions, we will play a role in introducing medical equipment, herbal medicines and quality cosmetic products that have standards certified by professionals. Asco’s directors are always looking forward to working together with experts and specialists in their decision-making process as an effective step towards health improvement the community. At the same time, we invite you, dear friends, to honor us with your “Green” and enthusiastic presence, by becoming a member of ASCO‘s Honorary Faculty Panel. We truly appreciate you loved ones and we need your help in this direction.

      Submitting Academic Articles

      Ararat Health is ready to purchase articles that you have already translated or Asco can have them translated for you. This way, you can earn money from files stored on your computer and which you may not use. Asco’s website has been designed to support scholars and students in the purchase of translated articles. In this project, students and researchers with ISI articles with Persian translations that are not available on our site can sell the articles at full price.
      Please pay attention to the following:
      One: Make sure that ISI articles are not on our site.
      Two: Translate the article you have in full ensuring that parts of the article are not untranslated.
      Three: Please make sure the translation is fluid and elegant.
      Four: Translated articles must be in Word file format.
      Five: For each article, you must submit the Latin text along with sample translated pages so that the quality of your translation work is checked by our experts. For example, a sample translation of pages, for example, if your article is 10 pages, you must submit at least 1/3 pages of the translated version.
      Six: After confirmation from our expert side, please send the original translation and along with the bank account number or bank card number, then the cost of the articles will immediately be deposited to your account.
      Please use the form below to submit the articles

        Business Opportunities Offers

        Submitting your ideas or a proposal to collaborate outside the organization
        Considering the improvement in international conditions and an increase of suggestions for cooperation by most countries to develop trade relations with Iran, as well as the government’s support and encouragement of any expansion of relations and towards attracting foreign investment in Iran, Asco Ararat Health Company is prepared to meet the goals of the “Green Health Partnership” “To follow up your business ideas and suggestions, you can contact us by completing the form below and receiving the tracking code